FETA CEO discusses net zero strategy as time to deadline drops below 10,000 days

FETA CEO discusses net zero strategy as time to deadline drops below 10,000 days

Speaking at The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) President’s Dinner, FETA CEO Chris Yates recently offered an update on Net Zero and provided insight on how to take the next steps to achieving the ambitious emissions goal by 2050.

The 'net zero target' refers to a government commitment to ensure the UK reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by 100% from 1990 levels by 2050. If met, this would mean the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the UK would be equal to or less than the emissions removed by the UK from the environment.

With just 9,692 days to achieve the target, immediate action is required and in his recent speech Chris Yates recognised the work that is now underway whilst outlining the new technologies that will get us to the next stage of the journey. He commented: “The good news is that we are already decarbonising our electricity grid in the UK. We are fortunate to be a series of islands with plenty of wind and a fair amount of sun that has enabled us to develop a tremendously successful offshore wind capacity as well as one of the most effective deployments worldwide in solar.”

Different technologies are going to help us achieve Net Zero. We need to create, as far as possible, a level playing field to encourage a diversity of technologies and one such example would be to reform the demand side by reducing the burden on electricity costs and make it comparable with gas.”

Chris went on to reiterate the need to get consumers on board by encouraging them to take a long-term view: “Consumers need to be convinced that the move to new technologies is the right thing to do. If we think about the current situation we have of high energy prices and interest rates, consumers may not be in a position to spend money on their properties but if we frame it as a 10 year programme, one which will benefit their current heating and cooling capabilities, as well as future technologies, then they may consider taking action. 

“9692 days to Net Zero represents our greatest challenge but also our biggest opportunity.”

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FETA CEO discusses net zero strategy as time to deadline drops below 10,000 days

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