About BRA

Membership is open to European registered companies who are wholly or partly engaged in, or associated with, the refrigeration industry.

The Association represents the interests of the Members and aims to:

  • Promotes and defends the interests of all sections of the refrigeration industry.
  • Obtains maximum publicity for the industry through exhibitions, promotions and general public relations and emphasises the products and services of Members in so doing.
  • Influences legislation, regulation, policies and standards that affect or might affect, the technical or commercial interest of the industry in general and Members in particular.
  • Develops and promotes high standards of quality, design, safety and workmanship in the industry.
  • Encourages uniform high standards of competence and of training and education to achieve this at all levels throughout the industry.
  • Co-ordinates market and technical research into areas of common interest identified by Members.
  • Works to improve trading conditions and promote trading opportunities for Members in home and overseas markets.

Sections within BRA

BRA conducts the majority of its business within specialist sections. These sections meet 3 or 4 times a year, and they deal with issues and topics that directly affect their businesses. As well as the more formal part of the meeting, members find the informal networking over lunch to be an invaluable benefit of membership.

The sections within BRA are:

  • Commercial Refrigerated Cabinet Section
  • Contractors' Section
  • Equipment & Components' Section
  • Refrigeration End Users Section
  • Training Section

Enquiry on the refrigeration sector

If you are not a member and feel that you would benefit from being part of the largest and most affordable UK Association for your industry, please contact the Chief Executive, Chris Yates chris.yates@feta.co.uk or tel 0118 940 3416.

If you have an enquiry on the refrigeration sector which you would like us to pass onto the BRA member companies, please contact info@feta.co.uk