Implementing Low Carbon Heat: Join the SIRACH Network Briefing at London’s Shard

Implementing Low Carbon Heat: Join the SIRACH Network Briefing at London’s Shard

On 16 April 2024, the SIRACH network is hosting a half-day briefing at London’s iconic Shard to share the findings of the Lot-Net project. A UKRI-funded programme, LoT-NET investigates how waste heat streams from industrial or other sources feeding into low-temperature heat networks can combine with renewable energy, thermal storage and optimal heat pump technologies to meet the heating and cooling needs of buildings and industrial processes.

This free event will delve into cutting-edge strategies and technologies crucial for the successful implementation of low-carbon heat networks and will serve as a pivotal platform to disseminate its findings. Attendees will gain insights into diverse perspectives, including a user's outlook on recoverable heat and the practical use of the project’s outcomes within the industry.

The agenda also includes discussions on the future trajectory of heat network technologies with a focus on thermal energy storage advancements in the UK, the evolution of advanced Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) in both European and British domestic markets, and LotNet case studies spotlighting heat network delivery.

Attendance is essential for professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the evolving landscape of low-carbon heat networks. To secure your place and explore the future of sustainable heating solutions, register for free today.

Full programme:

Welcome from Prof. Graeme Maidment, London South Bank University

Session 1: Heat Sources and Perceptions. Chair by Prof. Graeme Maidment

Heat: A User’s Perspective. Prof. Victoria Haines, Loughborough University

‘Recoverable Heat’ Potential. Dr Henrique Lagoeiro, London South Bank University

Lunch and networking

Session 2: Industry Views

Keynote presentation from Gabriele Pesce, EuroHeat

Heat as a service, Klara Ottosson, LCP Delta

Session 3: Heat Network Technologies: The Future Of… Chair Bob Critoph

Thermal Energy Storage in the UK Energy System. Prof. Philip Eames, Loughborough University

Advanced ASHPs for UK and European Domestic Buildings. Prof Neil Hewitt, Ulster University

Heat Network Delivery: The LoT-NET Case Studies Prof David Elmes, Warwick Business School

Close from Prof Bob Critoph, University of Warwick

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Implementing Low Carbon Heat: Join the SIRACH Network Briefing at London’s Shard

Martyn manages the Heat Pump Association, and several groups in the Refrigeration, HEVAC and Chimney Associations across FETA. He is also responsible for improving channels of communication internally to members, and externally to the many organisations, institutions, trade bodies and government departments relevant to the work of FETA, and maintains the FETA web site.

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